The Pillow Book

Inspired by Sei Shonagon on the 23rd of July 2001.
/ Things that please me / Things that displease me / Things that attract me /
This is my Pillow Book.

Thursday, 23 August 2001

The Cult

Carmelle smiles saying, 'We are an informal gathering of Enlightened ones. Those who know of the Divine Pulse, we seek. Those who seek the Kavhashim, we Guide.

For what use is the Knowledge if it is not shared?

A single pulse is but a solitary beat. A multitude of harmonious beats results in a symphony of ecstatic levels.

Ecstacy The surge of energy, the shift in perception. Even more apparant if induced and shared.

Join us, as a Seeker of the Divine Pulse.

Journey with us, and be an Enlightened One.

Guide those who seek us, as a Mentor to other Seekers.

Lead us all on our path to Ecstacy, as a Cult Leader.

She pauses for a second, tilts her head slightly and continues. 'There it is again... Can you hear it?'

'Now you understand the Kavhashim, and felt the Divine Pulse.' she continues while glancing up at Reall.

Taimus lights a stick of incense and waves it slowly in the air, filling the room with a thick, sweet, bluish smoke.

'There are many ways to do this, some use hallucinogenic substances, some imbibe intoxicating liquids.' she says while Reall plants a few lit incence sticks into a pot.

'Some find music relaxing, some indulge in sex, some create art and even appreciation of art is relaxing for some.' she says.

'There are no right or wrong ways.' she says and Taimus leans over and kisses her deeply.

'Feel the Pulse...'

'Attune yourself to the Kavhashim...'

'Time slows down...'

'Your senses widen...'

'Harness the power as it builds...'

'You now know how to induce this power.' she says, smiling.

'Now, perhaps you would like to share this new found knowledge.' they say together.

And then you realize, they have been talking in unison all along.
The Highest Blessings

Merry Meet, thus I shall record,

On one occasion the Blessed Sisters were dwelling at the sacred Pagoda of Enlightenment.

When night was far spent, a certain beloved follower of the Sisters came to the presence of the Blessed Sisters and drawing near, asked respectfully and stood at one side and asked,

"Many dieties and men, yearning after blessings,
have pondered on the Kavhashim,
Pray, tell me the Highest Blessing.

In which the Sisters replied in unison, to the beat of the Divine Pulse,

Not to associate with fools,
To associate with the wise,
and honour those who are worthy of honour -
This is the Highest Blessing.

To reside in a suitable locality,
to have dome meritorious actions in the past,
and to set oneself in the right course
This is the Highest Blessing.

Vast learning, perfect handicraft,
a highly trained discipline,
and pleasant speech-
This is the Highest Blessing.

The support of father and mother,
The cherishing of wife and children,
and peaceful occupations,
This is the Highest Blessing.

Liberality, Righteous conduct,
The helping of relatives,
And blameless actions -
This is the Highest Blessing.

Reverance, humility,
Contentment, gratitude,
And opportune hearing of the Kavhashim -
This is the Highest Blessing.

With that, the beloved follower meditated with the Beat in her heart.

Merry Part, thus I shall conclude.
- Giselle - Mentor of the Cult.
On being a Treatise on Meditatation

The world is full of black energy; black karma envelopes us. In any place where there are true meditators, the disasters in that place will be lessened.

If many people come together to meditate, their collective strength can dispel these disasters and counteract the plunders and invisibly eradicate this noxious, evil energy and transform it into harmonious and auspicious energy.

But first the Kavhashim must be beating in accordance and in time with the beating of the heart of all meditators.

Everyone should bring forth his or her true heart in reciting the Sisters' names and mantras. For every time you recite the Sisters' names, a ray of light fills the universe, so that the energy of a thousand, thousand worlds will be auspicious and harmonious and the atmosphere of violence, defilement, and disaster will be dispelled and transformed.

May the Kavhashim be with you.
On Reciting the Mantra

The recollection of one's thoughts or the concentration or mindfulness one is able to formulate in one's own mind during one's recitation is of very great improtance. One should single-mindedly perform one's recitation. A proper understanding of this prerequiste is very essential in order to sincerely maintain a proper frame of mind during this recitation of mantra.

May the Sisters smile upon you.
Homage to the Sisters of Love

The Sisters of Love also known as Taimus and Reall, are also known as the Sisters of Enlightenment Who Dispels Calamities and Lengthens Life. More and more followers are reciting this mantra, seeking the blessings and compassion of the Sisters to help dispel their obstacles, to free them from sufferings, illnesses, and consequently lengthening their lives. Hence with
the Divine Pulse, the Kavhashim, this is the mystic formula for dispelling disease and suffering.

This healing mantra, when fervently recited 7 times, or 49 times, or 108 times, depending on the situation - while in meditating in the cusp of the Divine Pulse, is able to relieve or heal a sick person.

Followers who wish to uphold this mantra should sincerely attempt to recite it everyday 3 times, 7 times or according to one's wisdom.

... To recite it a full five times in one evening is to wipe away your heavy offenses of hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of millions of aeons of suffering. To recite it while in the cusp of the Kavhashim is to multiply its power by a dozen fold ...
- Venerable Master Norin, Beloved of Reall, Cult Leader

A thousand eyes observe,
A thousand ears hear all,
A thousand hands help and support
Living beings everywhere.
We are all Sisters here,
Beating to the Divine Pulse.
- A variation of The Healing Mantra

"Remember the feeling love? Of making love." she says, throwing yet another handful of herbs into the brazier as Reall breathes deeply of the sweetish thick smoke.

"The surge of energy, the shift of perception. There are a thousand and one ways to invoke this feeling. To induce and to share." she says.

"Any form of sharing is a sexual experience. Whether or not intercourse comes into play or not." she explains. "After all, any contact is a form of touch. Sex is just the most intimate contact."

"Communions thus occur."

"The Enlightened can focus this passion that comes from communion into a tremendous energy." she says, looking up at Taimus and smiles.

"Perhaps, this is the power of love."
Love or The Steps to Enlightenment

Surrender Your Fear

Focus Your Intentions

Open Yourself

Attune Yourself to the Kavhashim

Surrender Your Fear
Taimus, Reall

"The world," she says, "is not the first nor the last. Just a moment frozen in time. That's what life is all about, just a succession of frozen moments, an endless 'now'."

"It is confusing," she says, smiling slightly as she glances at her sister, "but it is important to understand this before anything else."

Taimus lights a small brazier and Reall continues softly.

"In the beginning, no one counted time in the way the Unenlightened do," she says, "just in seasons, when crops grew or when winter came. Time was longer then, everything was slower."

"Life was experienced, not observed."

Reall pauses to throw some herbs into the lit brazier in the middle of the room. A thick, sweetish bluish smoke wafts up and Taimus leans forward and inhales deeply.

"When Life is experienced, you feel the pulse." Taimus says, "The Divine Pulse. Kavhashim. The World's heartbeat."

"Listen carefully, listen..." she says as the faint tinkling of the crystal mobile above sways gently.

"Close your eyes, breathe deeply and listen..." she says.

"The Kavhashim has been around since the beginning. Everyone has heard or even felt it." she says and as she closes her eyes. "You can hear it in music, in poetry, in lover's words, in art..."

"Experience love in all forms, and you feel the Kavhashim."

"Our intellect blocks our journey to Enlightenment, to experience the pulse. The ideal state of consciousness sends us past mere intellect." she says as she sips from a tiny rose quartz glass and passes it to Taimus.

"The Kavhashim waits for us beyond this limitations. Focus your consciousness, enhance your sensations and passions beyond limits. Love."

"There are those who are more attuned to the pulse, We are the Enlightened." she says as Reall sprinkles another handful of herbs into the brazier.

"We are called witches, shamans, artists.....lovers."